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Consultancy: 3-6 months Strategic Planning

What’s included?

Diversity Benchmark Assessments

Assessing your organisation's current Diversity and Inclusion efforts, policies, and practices. Includes data gathering through surveys and Listening-into-Action focus groups to identify areas of strength and areas needing improvement.

Unlocking the Power of Cultural Competence with our quick and insightful questionnaire! Discover yours and your organisational strengths and areas for growth in Cultural Competence as part of ongoing development and growth.

Diversity Strategic Roadmap

Developing a holistic 3 to 5-year Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) roadmap aligned with your organisation's objectives, including actionable steps and accountability for embedding a Diverse and Inclusive working culture.

Diversity Governance Structure

Creating a robust and inclusive Diversity Governance Framework positioned to harness the full potential of your employees, improve decision-making processes, and drive successful achievement of your organisational goals and objectives.

InclusiveInsights Diversity Dashboard

A powerful tool for ongoing assessment of your organisation's diversity demographics, identifying areas for improvement, and making data-driven decisions to create a more Culturally Competent working environment.

"Diversity Fatigue is a constant reminder that change takes time and effort!”



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